SEO for RFID Manufacturing and Consultants


We focus on business-to-business SEO predominately and as you will find out from our website, we cover a few markets and sectors. One of the markets I never expected to work in was RFID.

In early 2019 we were approached by an RFID company to improve their leads and more importantly the organic traffic from Google, basically get them ranked higher for their customers. The initial ranking of the RFID company was good, with 25 page 1’s and in a year, we improved that ranking to 95 page 1s and got there organic traffic up by over 10%.

Seo Rfid
Now that return could have been higher, for organic traffic (indeed, we have improved some clients by over 200% on some projects) but what we noticed, even before starting the campaign, that the majority of the keywords, were low volume, long-tail but medium competition. More importantly, the leads the client got from the SEO were high value, more in number.

So what do I mean by that…

Firstly, we found the search volume or the number of people looking for the keyword, were low in number in fact the search volume tended to be under 59 on some keywords.

Secondly, the keywords tended to be phrases, more than 2 words certainly, and resembled a question rather than a statement. So we saw it as long-tail keywords on many of the targeted keywords.

Thirdly, once we ranked on page 1 we then knew we were in the right place because the leads were good and productive, plus they converted. Exactly what the client wanted.

Fourth, the competition was more competitive than I thought before briefing the campaign, meaning their competitors were trying to rank. How we went about ranking on the keywords.

Naturally, the most important thing at the start was to fix the onsite SEO. I do not want to use this page to go on about how we do the onsite SEO but it is the first place we start.

However, from the above, which we found on the keyword research, I wanted to implement an aggressive content onsite strategy, almost writing a blog or news piece every two weeks. Why? Well, I knew that it was predominately long-tail keywords and questions rather than statements on the user query.

What better way to answer the user, the person searching for information on RFID, then a specific article about RFID. Plus, it shows the company’s expertise.

The next major factor was the backlink building where we would use our PR agency partner to get the company in the press as much as possible when possible. But overall, I would employ a content marketing outbound approach to the backlinks.

I wanted to make sure the visitor from organic search was coming to the website to have his query answered at all times, I even took that approach to the backlinks. Education in RFID and the company itself.


In short, the SEO for RFID gained decent leads that turned into business for the client as we were able to target the correct keywords and developed the content.